Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Learn How to Measure

This is how you measure your jeans, all credits to Blue in Green Soho:
Measurement Guide

measure-tape_ftpg_web This is a visual guide to how we measure our jeans.
All the measurements on our website are derived
using this method.

When trying to determine your correct size we
recommend measuring a pair of your own jeans that
fit you well the way we show here and comparing
those to the measurements we've posted for each
style. You may also email your measurements to us
for further assistance.

WaistMeasuring the waist

Step 1: Button up the jean.
Step 2: Lay the jean out flat with the top front edge even with the top back edge.
Step 3: Measure from one side of the waist to the other.
Step 4: Double this measurement.

Front RiseMeasuring the front rise

Step 1: Button up the jean.
Step 2: Lay the jean out flat.
Step 3: Measure from the crotch seam to the top of the front of the jean.

Back RiseMeasuring the back rise

Step 1: Button up the jean.
Step 2: Lay the jean out flat.
Step 3: Measure from the crotch seam to the top of the back of the jean.

Upper ThighMeasuring the upper thigh

Step 1: Lay the jean out flat.
Step 2: Measure straight from the crotch to the outside of the leg parallel to the waistband.
Step 3: Double this measurement.

Inseam Measuring the inseam

Step 1: Lay the jean out flat with inseam at the center of the leg.
Step 2: Measure from the crotch to the edge of the leg along the inside seam of the leg.

Knee, Part 1Measuring the knee

Part 1:

Step 1: Lay the jean out flat with the outseams at both edges.
Step 2: Measure 13 inches from the crotch down the inside seam of the leg.

Knee, Part 2Part 2:

Step 1: From this point (13 inches down from the crotch) measure from one side of the pant leg to the other (the width of the knee).
Step 2: Double this measurement.

Leg OpeningMeasuring the leg opening

Step 1: Lay the jean out flat with the outseams at both edges.
Step 2: Measure from one side of the leg opening to the other side.
Step 3: Double this measurement.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Raw Denim Quiz

Yeah, good quiz

Me: 100%
Anthony: 90%
Jennifer: 60%

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Levi's Shrink-to-Fit - 4 MONTHS

Yeah, so I fucked these up pretty bad.
4 washes in total, I keep spilling shit on it, fucking gay. Oh wells, get new jeans anyway, these will officially become my work wear.

Room lighting
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Natural lighting
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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Levi's Shrink-To-Fit Day 4

Well, honeycombs and whiskers have began to set it nicely. It has quite a bit of stack considering I haven't shrunk them yet. The right pocket is starting to stretch from the wallet. No visible fades yet. I got some indigo marks on my white shoes though =(

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I apologize for the bad lighting.

Levi's Shrink-To-Fit Day 1

Okay, so I've always wondered how well cheap 40 dollar shrink-to-fits fade compared to more expensive raw denim. I mean, is it worth all the extra money to pay for 200 dollar Nudies? Thus, I'm starting this denim diary to record the progress of my cheap ass shrink to fits. I'm planning to wear them for around 6 months with no wash/soak and see what they would look like.

I purchased these jeans at Levi's Strauss store in Seattle. It's made in Guatemala and is 31x34. I usually wear 30x32, so this should fit me well even after the wash.

So, this is what they look like on day 1. There are quite a bit of cotton pilings.